For Personal Injury Trial Attorneys

Reduce Your Liability

Mass Tort and Class Action Services

SPI’s mass tort and class action services have provided comprehensive settlement services for multi-claimant actions for years. From concierge services, providing high-touch services directly to claimants, to our deep expertise in the creation and administration of Qualified Settlement Funds, SPI shoulders the responsibility for helping make your clients whole again, letting you focus on what you do best.

Qualified Settlement Funds

Avoid stress caused by the end-of-case rush to distribute settlement funds to clients and collect your fee. Using a Qualified Settlement Fund (QSF) removes the defendant from the settlement planning process. As a result, paying you and your clients in full to an interest bearing account. A QSF buys time for your clients to properly plan their settlements and preserve their benefit eligibility. It also enables you to structure or defer your fees.

SPI is skilled at creating court-approved QSF trusts and accounts and establishing a streamlined process for their administration, no matter how large your claimant pool may be.

Medicare Secondary Payer Compliance For Plaintiffs

Protect your clients’ settlement dollars and way of life. Also, protect yourself and your firm from problems. The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION , launched by SPI, offers the BEST IN CLASS Medicare Secondary Payer compliance and Medicare Set-Aside services in the settlement industry, with a distinct plaintiff bias.

By law, Medicare is a secondary payer when a Medicare-eligible victim receives a settlement. Thus, depending on cost of care your client may have already received and the size of settlement, things could worsen. In fact, Medicare could take up to the entire settlement amount as reimbursement. Leaving nothing for your client. Indeed, this scenario is a liability nightmare for plaintiff attorneys, but help is here. The PLAINTIFF’S MSA AND LIEN SOLUTION has the strategies and techniques to protect you and your firm.

Want to run a case by us?

We are available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST



“Jack Meligan and his office staff were very professional, knowledgeable, compassionate and helpful. All of my options were thoroughly explained. A lot of time and effort was put into ensuring adequate funding for my daughter’s college education. Jack Meligan was always available when he was needed. He always listened, was supportive and understood.”


Personal Injury Victim from Phoenix, Arizona

“Settlement Professionals Inc. is the best in the business. Jack and his team will truly give the advice that best benefits your clients, often to their own economic detriment. They truly care. All that said, Jack needs to work on his slice — it’s atrocious!”

Jeff Foote, Esq.

Past President, Oregon Trial Lawyers Past President, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (TLPJ)

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