For Personal Injury Victims

You Have Suffered Enough

Personal Injury Meeting

Personal injury victims, your lives have been turned upside down. SPI dedicates itself to helping them get right side up again. We’ll work hard to get you the income and the care you need. Not just for now, but for as long as you and your family need them. Our professionals are with personal injury victims and their families throughout the litigation process to answer questions, provide expert professional insight and help protect their interests.

How do we do that? Browse below to see how we can help you:

SNTs & SPTs, LCP funding analysis and concierge services, customized to you. More Details

Settlement Planning, investment management and more to meet your needs. More Details

Government benefits review, PPACA advice and more help. More Details

Want to run a case by us?

We are available Mon-Fri 9am-5pm PST



“Jack Meligan and his fellow professionals at SPI stand alone in settlement planning and structuring settlement dollars for my clients. They work with plaintiffs and plaintiffs only and have been leaders in advancing the art and providing protection for those who need it most. SPI has my unqualified recommendations and endorsement.”

Mark R. Bocci, Esq.

Member, Inner Circle of Advocates

“Settlement Professionals Inc. is the best in the business. Jack and his team will truly give the advice that best benefits your clients, often to their own economic detriment. They truly care. All that said, Jack needs to work on his slice — it’s atrocious!”

Jeff Foote, Esq.

Past President, Oregon Trial Lawyers Past President, Trial Lawyers for Public Justice (TLPJ)

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