Jack Meligan, RSP, BCFE, MSCC, CMSP-F

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Passionate About Financial Justice for Injury Victims.
A 30+ year veteran of the financial planning, structured settlement, and settlement planning industries, Jack Meligan is the founder and president of Settlement Professionals Inc., a venture initially created from his desire to reverse the tide of defendant-centric structured settlement planning. Catering exclusively to plaintiffs and plaintiff attorneys, his interest is in helping personal injury victims obtain and manage settlements that take care of all of their needs and last as long as they live.
Launching his career in 1979 as a financial planner, Meligan set out on his own in 1985 to become a structured settlement consultant for personal injury victims. Combining these skill sets, he founded Settlement Professionals Inc. in 1987, going on to make his mark within the field.
After discovering the 468(B) QSF regulations within the tax code, in 1992, he became one of the first practitioners in the country to use QSFs to help clients. Later on, in 2000, Meligan co-founded the Society of Settlement Planners to promote the profession and the increased utilization of settlement planners by injury victims and their families. He served as its founding president from 2000-2003 and returned as president from 2011-2012.
Meligan also helped develop the curriculum for the nation’s only professional Registered Settlement Planner (RSP) designation, which he has held since 2009. In 2015, he received his CMSP designation and launched The Plaintiff’s MSA and Lien Solution in 2016. The Plaintiff’s MSA and Lien Solution provides Medicare Set-Aside, Medicare conditional payments, Medicaid lien resolution and ERISA lien resolution services to plaintiff attorneys, focusing first on compliant MSA avoidance/minimization, and aggressive lien resolution that utilizes a fierce litigation strategy for success.